Message: “约伯记研读 第八课” from 吴芳枝姊妹by Thomas Chang11 7 月, 20205 3 月, 2021A message from the series “2020约伯记研读.”
Message: “拨亮灯芯-圣经点拨 第七课” from 李亚丁牧师by Thomas Chang5 7 月, 20205 3 月, 2021A message from the series “拨亮灯芯-圣经点拨.”
Message: “约伯记研读 第七课” from 吴芳枝姊妹by Thomas Chang4 7 月, 20205 3 月, 2021A message from the series “2020约伯记研读.”
Message: “拨亮灯芯-圣经点拨 第六课” from 李亚丁牧师by Thomas Chang28 6 月, 20205 3 月, 2021A message from the series “拨亮灯芯-圣经点拨.”