Message: “言简意赅永不妥协的先知-施洗约翰” from 管其谦弟兄by Thomas Chang22 9 月, 20195 3 月, 2021A message from the series “圣经人物尾声系列.”
Message: “寻找真爱系列-2” from 董之纪弟兄by Thomas Chang21 9 月, 20195 3 月, 2021A message from the series “寻找真爱系列.”
Message: “预言国破家亡的流泪先知-耶利米” from 栗志坚长老by Thomas Chang15 9 月, 20195 3 月, 2021A message from the series “圣经人物尾声系列.”
Message: “寻找真爱系列-1” from 邱承恩牧师by Thomas Chang14 9 月, 20195 3 月, 2021A message from the series “寻找真爱系列.”
Message: “回应神的呼召-保罗” from 央正义牧师by Thomas Chang8 9 月, 20195 3 月, 2021A message from the series “2019 宣道年會.”